Monday, June 19, 2017

Did Dany Love Drogo?

Yes. She started pretty meek at first, unhappy, and weepy, basically a thirteen year old sex slave with saddle sores. Who wouldn’t be a little weepy?
But she took charge of things and in doing so she, to put it delicately, fucked Drogo into respecting her enough that she basically co-ruled the khalasar. Now, I know that her rule depended very much on the goodwill of Drogo but he had it: enough that he forbade the rape/murder of any maiden she liked.
Wow. That must have taken a lot of love on Drogo’s part. Raping and murdering —that is the Dothraki’s birthright. That’s what they do! The fact that he banned rape is so sappily romantic it makes tears comes to my eyes. It’s like the end of Love Actually when Jojen Reed goes running through the airport and doesn’t get shot for a terrorist. Love really does conquer all.
And Dany understands that. She knows that Drogo is something more than your average Dothraki barbarian warlord.
So she loves him too. She loves him, she understands him enough to know he’d rather be suffocated than remain a vegetable: that was no mercy killing. That was an act of pure, sorrowful love.
And She WANTS the sex with him. She loves seeing him kill people, she likes the cute little bells in his hair. She loves how he protects her and her unborn child. She wants him and her son, the unpractically named Stallion Who Mounts the World, to mount the world together, just as she mounts Drogo.
After his death she thinks back on him constantly. She fantasizes about the way he smells(which, frankly, is almost certainly not good.) She remembers fondly the way his seed tastes and you can almost feel her mouth watering. If that is not love what is?

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Rant about Czech politics

WArning: Long Czech-politics related rant that probably nobody will read to follow.
I am stressed about the Czech elections.
Mainly  CSSD's mad proposal to close the 60% tax loophole for zivnost'aks, a move which would make average wage SKYROCKET on paper, while taking money away from a sizable amount of people and giving it directly to the government. It's just an accounting trick.
The retail and service sectors of the economy would collapse, as the Zivnostak's all los3t about 20  to 30 percent of the take home pay they have now (an enormous amount!) while employees on plny uvazek wages would actuallyremain the same. So get this: salaried employees: no change. Sole traders: twenty or thirty percent less money. Abracadabra! Average wage goes up.
What will end up happening is that there are going to be a lot more dohoda workers working on multiple dohoda contracts as small businesses struggle to find ways to pay their employees enough. That is going to fucking WRECK the medical and social sectors which means the medical and social contributions will have to go up.
For employees now they are already among the highest in Central Europe, maybe even the highest!
Some small businesses will absolutely collapse, raising unemployment and thus delivering contractors on their knees to big businesses who are desperate for people at the moment. (And that is what is all about: apparently at full employment, the Czech Republic starts cannibalizing itself in an attempt at continued growth.)
I've never seen a clearer example of a political party wanting to shoot the economy of a country in it's foot. Not in my life. Jesus, the Republicans in the US are less foolhardy than this. Except for electing Trump, of course.
Of course, CSSD doesn't care. They are counting on 90 percent of the populace not knowing jack about the ridiculously complicated way business works in this country. Supergross, gross, write off's, flat's a maze. You almost have to be on the otherside of the payroll desk to understand it. 
The sensible approach that might not wreck the economy (because the 60 percent Zivno write off is indeed a ridiculous facet of the economy that makes the Czech Republic seem much poorer than it is, while simultaneously guaranteeing shoddy public services ) is to reduce the write off (to say, 40 percent) while lowering social and perhaps medical contributions for plny uvazek employees. that way the average wages goes up on paper, employees get a de facto pay rise, and while zivnostak's make a little less, they aren't crippled and can hopefully raise their wages and hopefully it will work out.
Better yet, reduce the write off in increments, say, of two percent a year, allowing Zivnostaks the inspiration to raise their prices, say, .5 % a year. More money flows in to the coffers of the government but no one is hurt.
Just getting rid of it is going to cause the equivalent of a cardiac arrest.
Oh, well, at least the gastropas food voucher industry will thrive as small companies desperately attempt to pay employees a living wage. Unless they decide that is a loophole that must be closed too.
Shit, given the options of political parties, am I going to have to support fucking ANO? That is like supporting hopelessly corrupt big business Republicans. Yuck!!! 
On the bright side, CSSD is bringing back Jabba the Hut, er, I mean Paroubek which will probably doom them.
We need a pro-small business centre right (in European terms) in this country so badly. Something like the old ODS, only hold the evil. 
Fucking present-day ODS tiptoeing down the nationalist path doesn't make me feel any better.

The only consolation to me in this proposal is that it pretty much puts a lot of  pressure on Z-listed competitors. It is going to make things more complicated for my business; but it's going to destroy them. 
Rant done

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Controversial and unpopular opinions

  • Elon Musk is lame.
  • Political correctness is both under-emphasized (or wrongly denied) by the left and over-stated by the right. I wish we could just ban the word or at least the debate.
  • Nothing in America is ever going to change. Not gun laws. Not the medical system. Not anything. Abandon hope. Seriously.
  • American infrastructure is not the best in the world, but for god’s sakes, it is not that bad.
  • The 19th Century novel totally blows.
  • Social mobility in the US is a myth.
  • English speaking cultures are by far the most violent.
  • Eastern Europe is more peaceful, happy and open-minded than Western Europe.
  • Wood paneling. It was awesome. And some day it will come back. I don’t care what you think about that.
  • Communist kitsch art is cooler than American kitsch art.
  • Burgers made from ground turkey taste way better than burgers made from ground beef.
    • But burgers are totally overrated, no matter what.
  • Parties usually suck.
  • The EU is largely good, but its also a de facto racket in which the rich get richer.
  • Wham! was better than George Michael solo.
  • The Euro (or rather the expansion of it beyond a few core countries) is the European version of the Iraq War: a horrible, stupid mistake that will haunt us for decades
  • The absolute pinnacle of mankind’s accomplishments and storied achievements is the microwave burrito.
  • I don’t think it matters who has the biggest economy on Earth. I think that is a question for fools and pathetic nationalists.
  • People who don’t know how to straddle a fence on political issues are just idiots.
  • Most businessmen care for their employees.
  • God may or may not exist. Who cares?
  • American millennials are whiney. God are they whiney.
    • Yes, I am a grumpy old man.
  • Mixed economies,i.e., capitalism with welfare safety nets, are the conservative choice.
  • Republicans are generally the real “special snowflakes”, always whining about how they can’t insult anybody.
  • Democrats are only too happy to utilize the brutal arm of authority to get their way. Liberals my ass.
  • All drugs should be legal. A heroin addict should be able to go to a store and get a littlee drop of heroin. If my son was a heroin addict I’d rather he did it safely and got on with his life than jonesing for it all the time and ruining his life. But I hope he doesn’t become a drug addict, that would break my heart.
  • Kenneth Patchen was America’s greatest poet.
    • The Journal of Albion Moonlight is the greatest surreal novel of all time.
  • Anti-smoking laws are stupid.
  • Steve Jobs was even lamer than Elon Musk.
  • Socialists bother me because they boil all of life down to the economic.
    • Plus they have no damn sense of humor.
  • Capitalists, ditto.
    • Except for the humor part.
  • If we are not going to be hindered by religion or united by religion we might as well go full bonobo.
Written May 30

Pointless Confessions

One time I was working with this girl, Amber. We hated each other and fought like cats and dogs.
She was in one part of the store we worked in, seated, doing some necessary busy work, sort of humming to herself and smiling.
I happened to have been suffering from some really nasty gas all day long due to the fact that my main dietary staple at that time was 711 nachos with chili and cheese and coca-cola.
I went over to her part of the store,and nonchalantly sauntered past her.
And farted.
Then I calmly walked back to my place in the store, and resumed my busy work.
A few seconds later she got up and moved.

Sometimes I pretend not to notice a mess because I know that my girlfriend will clean it up. The other times I really don’t notice it. But when I notice and I don’t feel lazy, I clean it.

In the Kingdom of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is King.
—some smart guy.
That’s me. Not the smart guy. The other guy. I am the One Eyed Man. And I totally coast on that.

Sometimes I pretend to not understand people just to see them get worked up.

I intentionally leave typos in my Quora posts if I think they are not good enough to bother re-writing, which is roughly two thirds of the time. (It it is a good post I will correct it.)

AS a teenager I once masturbated 8 times in a single day; once was while driving down the highway. Without a seatbelt.

I shoplifted 70 cassettes from Wal Mart in the late 80s. This was no mean feat. They came in these long plastic boxes designed to discourage theft.
I carefully peruse the music section, choosing two, then I would take them, duck down in the menswear section, kneel on the ground so that the cameras couldn’t see me, and stuff them down my pants: the cassette side would jut up under my shirt, at my sides. The rest, submerged, under my pants. It was uncomfortable, but that was a small price to pay.
I never stole more than two at a time.
Once outside the store, I would jump down into into this ditch beside the road and tear the anti-theft packaging off and discard it in the ditch.
When I finally got caught it was so stupid that I am ashamed to confess it: a customer saw me.
I saw him see me, but as he had long hair and a beard I thought to myself (like a dumbass): He’s a hippy. So he will understand that I am fighting the Power and sticking it to the Man.
He told and they caught me.
I was let go (white privelege is a real thing, folks) and my parents grounded me from the stereo for a month. Which wasn’t even a real stereo. It was just, like, a tinny little casette player.
That was, like, torture for me. I stopped shoplifting.
Until college. When I used to shoplift cigarettes all the time.

I always sneak out of parties when I know no one is watching me, go home and read a book.

I had sex with a girlfriend on a sidewalk in Denver at 2.00 a.m. I think we did it mainly just so we could tell people that we had had sex on a sidewalk once. And so here I am, telling you. She may be somewhere else, telling someone else. I don’t know. We don’t speak to each other.

I once wrote a review for the school newspaper savagely ripping apart U2's Rattle and Hum. I actually liked the album. It was just easier to write a negative review. And I had a deadline.
I had people cursing me in the halls. Someone threatened to beat me up. People really took that review seriously.

When I was 15, I once saw a boy (who was also 15) bullying another boy. The first boy pushed the second boy down into a puddle while the second was riding past on his bike; and then the first boy laughed at him.
I was so angry at the injustice and casual cruelty I had seen that I grabbed the first boy by the shirt and threw him up against the fence. I was amazed at how light he was; my vision literally altered and I became utterly aware that I could have torn him apart. It was really and truly the only time I have hit another person that wasn’t a sibling (not counting people who wanted me to hit them and asked me to do so.)

The last one is true but I just told you that last one becasue it makes me look cool, like a guy who always fights for good. But in fact, it was in the heat of the moment and I really am not that cool.

Friday, June 2, 2017

ASOIAF: Is Ser Shadrich really Howland Reed in disguise?

I do not believe that Ser Shadrich is anything more than what he pretends to be: a hedge knight secretly looking for Sansa in order to get Varys’ promised bag of gold. I also think that Howland Reed is cooler hiding out in the Neck, sending poison darts to anybody around, than he is wandering around the Realm pretending to be other people.
Besides, Shadrich has red hair and neither Jojen nor Meera, his children look like that. I know that doesn’t count for much, but something tells me that GRRM would drop more of a little hint if it were Reed.
However, regarding the other knights that offer their services to Littlefinger in Alayne II in A Feast for Crows.
One of them is Ser Shadrich, the Mad Mouse who Brienne earlier meets and who tells her that he is looking for Sansa.
The other two are described as
  • “an elegant young knight whose thick blonde mane cascaded well past his shoulders”
  • "a burly fellow with thick salt-and-pepper beard, a red nose bulbous with broken veins, and gnarled hands as large as hands.”
It’s not much to go on but I believe the second of the above MIGHT be the Elder Brother from the Quiet Isle.
Check out the description from Brienne VI, A Feast for Crows:
The Elder Brother was not what Brienne had expected. He could hardly be called elder, for a start; whereas the brothers weeding in the garden had had the stooped shoulders and bent backs of old men, he stood straight and tall, and moved with the vigor of a man in the prime of his years. Nor did he have the gentle, kindly face she expected of a healer. His head was large and square, his eyes shrewd, his nose veined and red. Though he wore a tonsure, his scalp was as stubbly as his heavy jaw.
Later in the same chapter, he rests “his big hands on his knees.”
It’s fairly scanty evidence, I know. It’s definitely not enough to be sure.
But if it was the Elder Brother, could the Hound be nearby, in hiding, trying to find Sansa?
I think it is plausible, by which I mean, I think it would be a logical progression for Sansa’s (and Sandor’s) storyline.

Written January 30th

ASOIAF/GOT: AS a reader, which storyline in Game of Thrones annoys you the most?

Few people would argue that the entire Season 5-Season 6  Dorne storyline holds the crown for most annoying storyline ever. No contest.
So bad it is funny, actually. Or it would be if I could only stop weeping.
But I have some runner ups:
  • Where. Are. My. Dragons!?

     Dany’s Season 2 arc. Okay, okay, Clash of King’s Daenerys arc kind of peters out pointlessly; and yes, as interesting as the exotica and mythological factor that the book is going for may be, it doesn’t make for riveting TV. So I can see why they wanted to write something new. But that storyline was really just cheap. And by the way…what the hell ever happened to show Quaithe? Why did they even include her?
  • Jon Snow and the ranging with Qhorin halfhand.(Season 2) Why, oh, why? Was there any reason to turn Jon Snow and Qhorin Halfhand both into raging incompetents? Those last couple of Jon chapters are the balls! (That means they are good: I think.)

    But while I remember book Qhorin Halfhand being an utter badass; and I remember book Jon showing quite a lot of character and bravery, I don’t remember them being…so stupid. Was that in the first pressing?

    But producers Donald and Dom had the brilliant idea to rewrite that arc. Their excuse? They were filming in Iceland and it was, like, cold. No time to proper script writing.
Duh….Gee, Jonny. HOw we gonna get outta this one?
 I dunno, Qhorin. I have gas.
  • Tyrion. Where the heck are they going with him? They are totally lost. The all-time greatest character in fantasy literature ) handed to them on a silver platter and they botched it.

     They have invested so much time making him a guy who knows everything plus has nothing but the best of intentions (a stark contrast to the fascinating tragic figure of the books) only to turn around and pour the S2 Jon Snow bucket of idiot-water on him in Season 6 and give all Dany’s bad decisions to him.
Look Tyrion’s drinking. hahahaha!! Only with a twist!! That’s comedy. Gets me every time..
My God, is there anything more pointless than Tyrion in Season 6? I ask you in all seriousness.
  • Stannis…Granted. He is not the easiest character to portray onscreen. I felt like GRRM and the one writer guy(Brian whats-his-face — Cranston?) got it, but Davison and Dagwood…they do not get it.
Stannis: Where are my arms?
  • Arya doing Frey pies.they totally turned Arya into a seventies TV movie of the week horror movie crazy chick. That really bugged me. Was I supposed to cheer at the fact that Arya has pretty much eradicated her own soul for vengeance? Yuck! I like it when it is Manderly. And, you know, subtle. Not Arya.