Saturday, February 18, 2017

ASOIAF/GOT: If Edmure had crowned himself King of the Trident, would it have prevented the Red Wedding?

Walder Frey took it as a slight that one of his girls was going to wed a Lord instead of a King. What if Edmure was crowned the King of the Trident and acknowledged by Robb - The King in the North and Trident at that point?I
I don’t think so. Revenge was secondary for Frey. The Red Wedding was about survival.
The misconception is that Walder Frey’s primary motivation was revenge at Robb’s breaking of his political word.
But the main reason he went with the Red Wedding was that Robb’s days seemed numbered. Mainly because he had lost the North to the Ironborn. Feudal society is basically a racket based around protection. You give a lord money and the lord protects you against invasion. That’s basic.
Robb didn’t do that.
The North was crumbling from the twin attacks fo the Ironborn and the (kind of unknown) duplicity of the Boltons.
  • A large second army had been wiped out at Winterfell.
  • Several lords had been murdered by the ironborn or the Boltons.
  • Moat Cailin, the gateway to the North was in the hands of enemies.
  • Deepwood Motte, ditto.
  • Winterfell itself had fallen and his own brothers had been murdered by Theon Greyjoy (according to what anybody knew.)
The Lannisters had just won an amazing, against-all-odds victory in King’s Landing, forging an incredible alliance with the Tyrell’s who had an army of 100 000.
Robb’s days of power in the Riverlands were numbered and Walder Frey (and others) knew it.
To apply a modern real-world correlation to it:
It’s really no different from Ted Cruz or Mitt Romney abasing themselves to Trump post-election.

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