In the books, he has a beard dyed blue and hair of the same color. He also boasts a golden tooth and he is fond of fancy clothes. On the show, he is a typical sellsword, just a little more handsome. Did they change his looks because they felt he was too much of a clown to be a protagonist's love interest?
In the books he's more like Johnny Depp in pirates of the Carribbean. Outrageous and ridiculous but still sexy. Johnny Depp can pull that off, especially in a silly comedy that's pure fun. Johnny Depp calibre actors tend to be really expensive though.
And stylistically, the show in general has eschewed the colors and pagentry of the books. Everything is faded to a dull sombreness, which is logical given that much of it is filmed in a sodden, wet country(Northern Ireland). IN general Book Daario Naharis represents an edge and the show likes to blunt the edges of the story—it didn't quite have the budget to go all the way with it look-wise—you have to go all the way for it to work—so they opted for a cheaper, greyer, muddier palette instead: still a stylistically strong choice that they have been consistent with. Given the duller, greyer context, a blue-haired pirate type with a gold tooth who managed to pull off sexy would feel all wrong.
Still, I think the first Daario, Ed Skrein, managed to bring a certain annoying arrogance to the role which matches Daario. The new Daario is a handsome, sexy man, to be sure, but he ultimately doesn't have the almost otherworldly assholishness that Ed Skrein brought. Pity. Sparks were real.
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