By killing Kevan and Pycelle he killed the only remaining competent people left in the Lannister government. Things were getting dangerous: Kevan was actually bringing things to order and strengthening the Lannister/Tyrell alliance after all Cersei had done to weaken it.
Well, that is just not good for Varys and his plans.
But it’s not only that.
It’s the WAY he killed them. With a crossbow. With knives wielded by small children.
Who else has killed with a crossbow? Who else is small as a child?
So when the forensic experts of Westeros, whose competence knows no bounds, examine the dead bodies of Pycelle and Kevan they will jump to the only conclusion possible: Tyrion, hiding in the walls, just as Cersei has long suspected, has come out and not only shot Pycelle and Kevan but stabbed them multiple times.
And so Cersei will manage to continue fucking things up for everybody, thus making it all the more easy for Aegon VI to swoop down and save the day, PLUS she goes a little crazier and more paranoid that the valonqar might pop out of her wardrobe any minute to strangle her.
I can think of better ways to go than being knifed by a gang of tongueless dirty urchins with daggers.
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