Thursday, August 13, 2015

Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb

In this current age of grim, morally grey fantasy, Assassin's Apprentice seemed a bit old-fashioned and 'clean'on first impression. There seemed a lot of familiar fantasy cliches and tropes; it had hints of Earthsea, I thought, although without the keen, crystal atmosphere of LeGuin's series... It held my interest well enough but it seemed I continued to read though, it started grabbing me more and more until I really started enjoying it.

By the half-way point I was hooked and found myself staying up a little later each night to find out what happened next. There is quite a bit happening under the surface here, I think.

Having said that parts of it is a bit predictable: I don't like to think I'm smarter than the narrator(and main character) but I had certain things figured out long before he did...and I'm not sure I was meant to. But just a bit. There were also a lot of things that surprised me(usually the failure of a familiar trope to materialize as you think it's going to.)

I miss the really fine details of really great world-building, but part of that is probably the first person voice used. This is a massive series of series, so I have the feeling that I"m just scratching the surface of it...and I am intrigued about how political fortunes and situations are going to develop in this long tale. I'd probably give this first story 3 and half stars if that were possible, so I'm rounding up, here, because I expect that this fine story is just the beginning: the story is going to widen and broaden and hook me in further as I read...I'm looking forward to it! Recommended to fans of traditional fantasy.

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