Sunday, September 25, 2016

ASOIAF: Does Stannis like Davos?

“Like”. “Stannis.”
There is something weird about those two words together. Something seems off.
Stannis had gratefulness to Davos for saving him during the siege of Storm’s End.
Stannis had respect for Davos, at his unerring since of righteousness and his strong-willed acceptance of his punishment.
I think that when Stannis cut off Davos’ finger tips, the two of them staring into each other’s eyes, they made a deep inarticulate, yet unbreakable bond.
I think Stannis appreciates Davos’ no nonsense way of putting things. His utter frankness, his relative lack of fear, the way he doesn’t flatter.
Stannis doesn’t need flattery. Stannis needs someone with a developed conscience to advise him.
He values Davos’s conscience and his ability to be frank about it.
Because Stannis has problems with the human sides of things, he needs Davos’ humanity to help him bear his responsibilities; to help him see the right side of the line when it’s not clear.
Stannis does not like anyone.
He LOVES Davos, though.

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