Friday, April 29, 2016

What can I do to enhance as a candidate for a en EFL position abroad?

ASOIAF:Who is the heir to Dorne?

In the books, the heir to Dorne is and always was Arianne Martell.
However, Doran had other plans for her; originally his plan was for her to marry Viserys Targaryen(Daenerys' brother.) In which case, she would become the queen of the Seven Kingdoms, and the inheritance would fall to Quentyn Martell. However, Viserys died(as we know) and that put an end to that plan.
The new plan seems to be to try to betroth Arianne to Aegon VI Targaryen, whose cause Dorne would join to depose the Baratheon dynasty.
If that were to happen, the heir to Dorne would then become Trystane Martell, a ten year old boy.
Of course, the show is different. Arrianne and Quentyn didn't exist in the show, and Trystane was a teenaged heir to Dorne all along.
There is not enough information on the Dornish family tree extende family to say who would be the heir if such a situation happened in the book. Presumably there are cousins or second cousins who would be next in line if Arianne and Trystane were both killed.
It's unclear if it really even matters in Show! Dorne. My impression from the lack of reaction from the guards at their leige lords murder, was that there was support for the Sand Snakes' coup in Dorne.

ASOIAF: Does Sansa Stark have any feelings for Petyr Belish?

Sansa likes Petyr Baelish.
  • He protects her.
  • He is kind and gentle to her.
  • He teaches her.
  • He is a romantic who almost died for love of her lost mother.
  • A man who came from a dreary land full of sheep shit and rocks, yet rose using his wits to become the most powerful lord in the Seven Kingdoms, (on paper, at least).
  • He holds her secret safely.
  • He killed the horrid Joffrey.
  • He's clever.
She's scared shitless of Littlefinger.
  • He killed her aunt right in front of eyes.
  • He fucked her mother(he claims). That's too weird to contemplate.
  • He kisses her, which is weird. It's almost as if he wants to, no. She wont think about that.
  • He's abusing and slowly poisoning her cousin to death. Best not to think about that, either!
  • He framed Tyrion who was always kind to her.
  • He makes deals with murderous pedophiles to get his way. Let's not go there.
  • He got her into a situation where she has to totally rely on him.
  • He's kind of...evil. 

Show Sansa:
He's a creepy old guy. Then he is her protector. Then he saves her.
 She decides to use her budding sexuality to manipulate him. 
No, no, scratch that. That seemed like a good idea, but let's make it so he manipulates her some more--girl power is so BORING. 
She naively gives up her budding manipulative ways and goes back to the life of a stupid simp.
He fucks her over. 
Poor Sansa. Everybody fucks her over. When will she ever learn?

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

How can I stop myself from slowly sinking into depression?

Here are some tips. I used to suffer from deep depression that lasted for days or weeks, but I rarely do now.
  1. Busy yourself.  This is the number one thing that I find the most effective. Work on a project: it could be your job, your garden, some arts and crafts, writing something. Busy yourself.
  2. Make sure you get enough sleep. It makes such a big difference.
  3. Don't escape into alcohol or drugs or other behavior you know is self-destructive. They dont help, they just cover up your problems and create worse ones.
  4. Remember that your depression is yours and no one else's. I get grumpy when I'm depressed. I treat other people badly. That makes absolutely no sense because
    1. it is never anybody's fault.
    2. it actually makes the depression worse.
  5. Realize that sometimes depression can be a sign that you need to change something in your life. Look at your life long and hard and determine if that's the reason you're depressed or not: sometimes depression is a sign that can help you.
  6. Realize that life is never going to be perfect; and that you are who you are and you need to embrace it: love yourself, depression and all, flab and all, acne and all, failed relationship and all...
  7. Go someplace quiet and relax. Think about your life an dyourself.
If your depresson is so deep you can't do anything like this for several days or weeks, you might need to see a doctor Some people need medicine. If you do, that's OK. Nothing wrong with that. I hope you don't though and you get through it.

ASOIAF: Is Rorge worse than the Hound?

Yes, Rorge is worse than the Hound,  without a doubt. 

Rorge,  gleefully rapes children, cuts breasts off grown women and commits mindless atrocities because he can't find a boat. He threatens to fuck Arya with a broomstick. And it wasn't an idle threat. He would have done it. Unlike the Hound, he has no stain on his soul from his foul deeds. No secret urge to do right. No idealism crushed out of him by cruel deeds, yet still living on deep in his heart.Protecting someone like Sansa from Joffrey's excesses (as the Hound did) is as alien to him as it would be for Joffrey to play with a puppy.
 Rorge is a straight up monster.

Look, Sandor Clegane is no mister nice guy. He's a bitter, twisted man who has murdered children and laughed about it, contemplated the rape of a 12 year old and who knocks people unconscious to take what he wishes. He's mean as hell and he lives in a nightmare world where the strong prey on the weak mercilessly, where beauty and honor are nothing but a pile of horse shit.

But he didn't rape the girl, in fact he protected her,  and he was under orders to murder the boy from the crown prince. The crimes he has committed are a real stain on his soul and they torment him. Deep down, it's clear that there is some inner code of honor that he adhere's too, and if he breaks it sometimes, well, at least he hasn't been hypocritical enough to swear an oath.

Make no mistake: his various advice and shieldings of Sansa, his travels with Arya...they may have come out rough and twisted but they were coming from an urge to do the RIGHT thing.

ASOIAF: Why is Tywin Lannister such a feared battle commander despite the fact that he hadn't fought in a proper battle before the War of the Five Kings?

Reputation, reputation, reputation. It's all about image.
Even from afar, his lord father was resplendent. Tywin Lannister's battle armor put his son Jaime's gilded suit to shame. His greatcloak was sewn from countless layers of cloth-of-gold, so heavy that it barely stirred even when he charged, so large that its drape covered most of his stallion's hindquarters when he took the saddle. No ordinary clasp would suffice for such a weight, so the greatcloak was held in place by a matched pair of miniature lionesses crouching on his shoulders, as if poised to spring. Their mate, a male with a magnificent mane, reclined atop Lord Tywin's greathelm, one paw raking the air as he roared. All three lions were wrought in gold, with ruby eyes. His armor was heavy steel plate, enameled in a dark crimson, greaves and gauntlets inlaid with ornate gold scrollwork. His rondels were golden sunbursts, all his fastenings were gilded, and the red steel was burnished to such a high sheen that it shone like fire in the light of the rising sun.
I'm not even sure if the picture above does it justice. 
There is some obvious Lannister narcissism and vanity in Tywin's armor, but it all connects with his insanely fierce protection and projection of his image, stemming, of course, from the terrifying fact that his father was a pushover and a made House Lannister a temporary laughing stock.
Laugh at Tywin and he will kill you, your wife, your three children, your cousins, your dry-cleaner, your mail-man,  your green grocer and the manager of the supermarket you frequent. He'll hang the mayor of your town, and your dog will be fed the remnants of your body. Then he'll kill the dog.
Nobody laughs at Tywin.
His reputation, made as a teenager in the War of the Ninepenny kings and the utter destruction of Houses Reyne and Tarbeck  and immortalized into a smash number 1 hit known across Westeros coupled as his obvious competence as Hand of the King is the reason for the respect he gets.  It's the stuff of legends--scary legends-- and he cultivates it.
Indeed, he sat out Robert's Rebellion and we don't have many reports of military campaigns during his two decade run as Hand of the King; but there may have been minor skirmishes and revolts that he coordinated during that time.
But mostly, it's all about image.
His armor. His hatred of Tyrion. His justification of the Red Wedding. His expectations of his children: it's all coming from one urge: to further his reputation.

Monday, April 25, 2016

How will Prince be remembered?

Ultimately, Prince will be remembered as a FOUNTAIN of music.

And the one of the greatest influences on R&B music ever. Up there with James Brown and Ray Charles in my opinion. IN the 80s, there simply wasn't much R&B music that didn't have some Prince in it, in my opinion.

If he had just stopped in 1982 after 1999 he still would be regarded as one of the greats.

But he didn't. He went on. He continued to record great, innovative R&B. As well as rock, pop, psychedelic...

Prince is one of the few artists that I listen to that I find myself scratching my head at how to categorize his music. He can do dance/funk/soul/hard rock and pop in one damn song.
And the output. He just recorded so damn much. How is it even possble that one human being could put out as much as he did? And apparently there are tons of unreleased stuff in the vault. Of course, not everything was BRILLIANT'. His habit of releasing 3 CDs or more a year resulted in a drop of quality in his albums, I think. But none of it is really BAD, either. (Well, maybe Cloreen Bacon Skin should have remained forever buried!)

And its really not just music. His lyrics are way underrated, perhaps because of their humor or their unironic stance. But he honestly never wrote a bad line; at times, his lyrics are so right on they SEEMS trite, until you think about it and realize that he's latched on to something really real and honest.

Everybody goes on about his musical proficiency on many instruments. That's not actually that unusual for a good musician. But the fact that he was fucking hot on them is. He was a virtuoso guitarist. He was a GREAT keyboardist, bassist...The most influential producer of the 80s BY A MILE.

He was an incredibly, mind-meltingly great performer. I have never seen him personally in concert but I have seen clips. He could dance, he could sing, he could play like a virtuoso on a guitar that was literally ejaculating while doing the splits having just leapt from a huge speaker in high heels.
Artists are conduits: they are filters. Conduits from the subconscious mind of myth and imagination; from God; from the beating heart of the universe, fromthe collective unconscious of their audience--whatever you want to believe.

Prince was the PUREST conduit perhaps in the WORLD.

I'm not exaggerating: we are honored to have shared a planet with Prince while he was alive. Because he will be remembered.

His weirdness, his eccentricity, his shitty movies, his personal life, his Jehovah's Witness-ism...None of that will really be remembered. His music, it's incredible range, profundity, smuttiness and class, it's duality on all levels...that's what Prince will be remembered for.

ASOIAF: How did the Northerners and Riverlanders get the idea to crown Robb King in the North and Riverlands?

They were pissed off. Plain and simple. Ned had been murdered. 
They were pissed off and on top of that, they had absolutely kicked the Lannisters' ass and were ready for more.
It is undersold how dominant a position that Robb was in after the Battle of the Whispering Wood and the capture of the Kingslayer.
Tywin Lannister was literally on the run to Harrenhal, retreating so fast that his soldiers were dropping dead in the road. The Lannisters had no allies and a huge army was marching (albeit at a crawl) against them from the South. King's Landing was cut off and soon to starve. They had an idiot on the Iron Throne and Cersei as Queen Regent.
They were building a third army of untrained boys and farmers in Lannisport to replace the one that Jaime had lost.
The war to defend the Riverlands suddenly starts looking like a war of conquest, as Stannis said. The Westerlands themselves looked wide open, and indeed they would soon be invading them.
The Riverlands needed revenge. They had been badly hurt. They wanted revenge of the rape and murder of their smallfolk, the torching of their villages, the pillage of their valuables, the slaughter of their livestock and the pilfering and wanton destruction of their crops. They sure as hell didn't feel too loyal to a Throne that had condoned a war against them. 
AS for the Northmen, they were pissed off and they just got greedy. They wanted choice lands; they wanted to kick the Lannisters while they were down and dance on their faces; some of them doubtless had their eyes on the fertile and gold-filled fields of the West.
And, honestly, for all the condemnation of Robb as a politician, the Lannisters would have been utterly destroyed but for three things:
  1. The unexpected betrayal of Robb by Theon and the Ironborn.
  2. Stannis focusing on Renly at first rather than just taking King's Landing.
  3. The conniving plan and diplomacy of Littlefinger to ally the Tyrells to their cause.
  4. Edmure turning back Tywin at the fords, forcing him to go to King's Landing(and meet the Tyrells)
  5. Unbelievable lucky timing in arriving to save King's Landing right as it was about to fall to Stannis.

    Why it's almost as if GRRM wanted Robb to fall.

ASOIAF: Does GRRM use a typewriter to write A song of Ice and Fire?

He's retro, but not quite that retro.
He uses one of these: a Word Star word processor. His screen looks like this.
I'm not sure if you can even buy these things anymore.
Not that you'd want to.

What were some things that shocked you when you first moved to Europe?

My information concerns the Czech Republic, so is more appliccable to Central European cultures than Western Europe or the Anglo-sphere.
Because this isn't about the things in Central Europe which delight me, this post may dwell on the negative. It's important to note that these were things which SHOCKED me when I first arrived here 13  years ago. Many of these things have improved or changed since then. But still. For a more positive post see here:

  • Shoes off in the house!
This is something that was really hard for me. I was petrified, fearing that I would have foot odor. Later I realized that having shoes off in the house actually reduced foot odor and made for a much cleaner house.
  • Frowns mean someone is normal.
I got a little shock the first time I  stood in a queue in a Czech supermarket.
I was a little worried that someone would talk to me, making small talk while we were waiting. I mean, it happens all the time in the USA. Some guy comes up to you; you exchange a few words about the weather or the local sports team or whatever. It's just a casual nicety, a way to kill time and not dwell on the mild unpleasantness of standing in line. 
I was nervous about it because I didn't speak Czech.
Nothing to worry about actually. Talking to a stranger or even smiling at them is just something a Czech does NOT do. Don't get me wrong: they can be extremely warm and hospitable once you've been introduced to them. Before that, though, there is wall of ice.
I left the supermarket feeling like Europeans were the unhappiest, grumpiest humans alive! Eventually, I got used to it. Now, I get reverse culture shock going back to the states when the barrista starts joking with me.
My American habit of giving a friendly nod or even saying 'hi' to strangers who met my eye brought me some bad consequences here as it tagged me as a foreigner: soon I found myself followed around by some low-lifes trying to get me to give them money, offering me their sisters for sexual favors or whatever. That was really disturbing to me. Nowadays I happily frown and glower like a Czech everywhere I go.
  • Cigarette smoking EVERYWHERE;

  • Pubs so thick with smoke you can hardly see. This is on it's way out now, but it was a big thing when I first moved here. I was a smoker myself at the time, but I remember sitting in a dark, smoky, pub, puffing away and feeling so annoyed at the smoke so thick I could cut it with a machete.

     When even the smokers complain, its probably too smoky.
  • People take care of their houses here; but public property is treated like a dumpster.

 Seriously. I've rarely been inside a home in the Czech Republic that wasn't beautifully kept. Czechs with houses spend lots of time in their yards/gardens planting flowers and bushes and keeping it all up: this makes for somebeautiful homes. The houses are built with great attention to detail and constructed to last a century or more. Amazingly well built.
Windows are underlined with rows of cheery flowers and everything just looks great.
Even the smaller flats in the ugly apartment blocks that some people live in are cozy usually comfy and people pay attention to making them look nice and airy. They have a special system where everyone on the floor and building take turns to sweep and keep the entry halls and stairwells spic and span.
But if I go downtown to the centre where the shops are it's a bit of a mess: cigarette butts, wrappings, a bit of graffiti that is never painted over.  Lawns in parks or surrounding apartment blocks go unmown for what would be an unacceptable amount of time in the US... 
Oh, it could be worse--it's not like those pictures of  litter you see in places like China or anything.  But it's almost the opposite of the States where some people have very dirty homes, but business areas are so clean you can eat off the streets.
  • "No" means "maybe" and "maybe" means "yes" and "yes" is rude.. It's a question of cultural context.
In the American Midwest, if I'm a visitor and someone offers me something, if I want it I say 'yes.' And it's given to me. If I don't want it I say 'No' and its not given to me.
It's all different here. There is a delicate(and to my Midwestern mind, totally useless) dance of offers and polite refusals, followed by counter offers and counter refusals until the visitor finally breaks down and accepts the offer. Because simply accepting something offered at once is considered rude, no matter how desperate you are for it.
. It has to be pushed on you.
Of course it's even worse for Central Europeans visiting the States: there are reports of people actually starving to death because they refused an offer of food freely given and their refusal was immediately accepted by their American host.
  • Alcohol.

  •  Alcohol is just part of everyday life here.The Czech Republic boasts the highest per capita consumption of beer in the world.

     You'd think that  meant they were all alcoholics. But it doesn't. Most people in my experience have a beer or glass of wine or two a night but rarely 'tie one on.' The actual percentage of alcoholics doesn't actually seem any higher here than it does in any American city--maybe even less. Oh, the the kids drink a lot, university students and the like, but no more than American kids.
  • Boobies on TV. No biggie, but a bit of a shocker!
  • Pictures of naked women everywhere.

  • When I first moved here there were pictures of naked women everywhere. At every bus stop or 'tabak'(newsagents selling magazines and cigarettes and candy bars and stuch). They were in businessmen's offfices. You'd see them on billboards.

     Thankfully that kind of thing has faded away. But outside our apartment building downtown there was a big poster of a very big breasted naked woman that sat there for years. Not sure why it was even there. It's gone now.

    . But the most striking difference along these lines was in this billboard I saw: It showed a young woman, naked, on her knees cheerfully lapping milk out of a dog bowl. The advertisement was for yogurt.(note this is not the picture above--I couldn't locate it). I gasped when I first saw it. My girlfriend chuckled. I said, "There is NO WAY an advertisment like that would ever be shown in America." "Well, we are not in America."said my girlfriend. Nevertheless, someone must have complained: a week or two later the billboard had been papered over and showed a new picture: a happy family smiling toothily at the camera and eating yogurt. 
  • Exploitation of workers.
When I first moved here I was hanging out with a young crowd; still at university or around that age. I was surprised to find out how badly low-paid workers were treated. Stories of having worked for weeks and then being refused wages, mass sexual harrassment and general abuse of workers were rampant. I've moved into higher social spheres since then and I think that alot of these things have changed in the last decade, but it was clear that the most unfortunate had far less respect for their own labor than in the USA, where many of these practices would have reported to the Better Business Bureau. Maybe this has changed. But the poorest workers here live on shockingly low wages. Happily, the middle class is actually pretty big: most people make the average wage, which is livable and comfortable.
  • Strippers in random bars.
In 2003, I  was in a disco that was open all night. I had been there several times. Most of the people there were teenagers(18, 19 year olds.) It was about two o'clock. And suddenly, out of the blue, some woman started stripping. And it wasn't like she was drunk and just cutting free. She was a real, bona fide, professional stripper. Everyone sort of formed a circle: women, men, boys, girls, clapping and cheering. 
She stripped, danced, did an amazingly acrobatic pole dancing routine and then... it was over. She gathered her clothes and left. A few months later, in a different club in a different town I saw the same thing happen. It was even, I swear, the same woman with different colored hair. To this day I don't know what the hell that was all about. It was pretty shocking, but I enjoyed it.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

My twenties were not that great. Could my thirties get better or is it all downhill from here?

Yes, definitely it can get better in your thirties..

I had a few good times in my twenties but for the most part I spent it lonely  and depressed.
Above: me at age 20 ,on the right
I can remember feeling so lonely that I wandered around in the snow on a cold frigid night in northern Iowa muttering to myself 'I'm going fucking crazy. I'm going fucking nuts. I almost ended up with frost-bite due to that.
I was poor as all get out and spent my nights scrounging around in old ashtrays, looking for cigarette butts; or going through trashcans looking for cans to trade for nickels to buy cigarettes with.
At one period I was living in a one-bedroom apartment in Denver. It was an exceptionally hot summer(reaching well over 100 degrees fahrenheit for over a month) and my air conditioner barely worked: to survive I would do nothing but sit, in my underwear, in front of a fan which was situated in front of my window air conditioning unit drinking icewater, with the curtains drawn. In the dark.
I was so lonely I would spend hours on my dinky little half-sofa staring up at a spider in the corner of the living room. I imagined that the spider was staring at me, too. I stared at it for so long  sometimes, that I literally felt like my soul astrally projected and traded places with the spider's; I literally saw myself where I was lying on the sofa. I watched myself breathe with eight eyes and a leaden, patient incuriousity.
Eventually the spider died, of boredom. His shrivelled up body remained in my corner until a girlfriend cleared it away.
I had intense social anxiety in crowds bigger than six or seven(still do, actually) and therefore rarely spent more than 30 minutes at big parties; when invited, I would show up, talk to a few people and then head back to my dorm room. Sometimes, so Iwould feel like I was 'partying' I would drink vile concoctions of orange soda and vodka. Alone.
Later, when I moved to a bigger cities, this trend of politely showing up at parties, and then slipping, unobserved, out the door, would continue.
I went long periods without sex. Even, at one point 2 years (from March 1993 to July(or so) 1995). I did have one girlfriend for a while at the age of 20 and the sex was extremely plentiful but then she attempted suicide--twice!--, got packed away to a hospital-- and I was on the sexual dole again. As my twenties went on I would eventually get involved in a two-year relationship (unhappy, full of strife, more of a friendship in my eyes but I was too weak to break if off) and later sporadically dated a few women, a few times: unhappy flings that started well and ended in bitter recrimination and hatred,  culminating in a humiliating, extremely unhealthy and abusive relationship of which I have few concrete memories, but a lingering feeling of regret and dread. Looking back, I had plenty of opportunities for sex and dating but I was either too stupid or too screwed up to take advantage of them.
I was (and probably am) fairly good looking but I was convinced deep down that I was hideously ugly; and though I spent most of my twenties five or ten pounds overweight, in my mind I was 50 or 60 pounds overweight. This actually makes no sense: I could look in a mirror and like what I saw: but my self-image remained in the pits.
Me in my late 20s:there is a gap of almost 7 years in my life with almost a complete lack of photos.
I was bitter and sarcastic to my friends, and even vicious behind their backs; yet, amazingly I truly believed that I was a put-upon 'nice guy' whom nobody liked because people were horrible, horrible creatures who lived to torment the unfortunate. I believed I was beneath everybody; that genetics and circumstance had led me to occupy a certain outsider status.
I had shitty jobs and couldn't handle money. I'd go days without food due to mismanagement of my meagre funds.
I got involved in hard drugs: cocaine, speed, heroin. And though I never got addicted to any of them, all of them took a toll on my psyche because I actually did not enjoy them at all and only did them because...well, partly from curiosity and partly from self-hatred. I can remember spending two hours puking up food after a bout with heroin: at five in the morning, the sight of my puke, half-digested tomatoes and bile strangely beautiful in the none-too-clean toilet. I remember actually laughing. I had always heard that the  body  screamed at one that this stuff sucked: this wasn't a mere message or a scream: My body had actually decided to beat me up about the decision. I thought that was funny. Eventually I came to the conclusions that all drugs offered nothing more than illusion: the illusion of deep thought, the illusion of communication, the illusion of bliss. So I stopped. But I am lucky, having been born with some built-in addiction protection mechanism, because everyone else I know who experimented ended up really fucking themselves with drugs.
At the age of 30, sunk into a depression that my twenties were over and unhappy, I began drinking heavily. I hung out a dive that filled with lowlifes: whores and their weird white-trash husbands. I remember one guy, an old man there named Jerry playing some old country song--the same song--over and over again, every night, weeping for the wife he had lost.  There was a fight every night at this bar. I would sit there and drink while these went on and the bartenders--burly, young men, usually college students--would hurl them out the door into the street with a physical pounding relish. One night the old man Jerry was knifed in a fight and died. I stopped going there. I woke up and thought: I'm going here every night because I'm depressed. And I stopped.
AT this point, I wasn't so keen on having a relationship. I continued drinking, but I admitted to myself that I wasn't the nice guy I had thought I was: in fact, I was quite a dick. I thought of myself as mister nice guy but up close I was real asshole.
That was one of the most difficult realizations that I had ever had. I faced up to it  thugh and I embraced it. Oh, I didn't embrace being an asshole. I just admitted to myself that I, like most humans, had that capacity. And that while I must try not to be an asshole, in fact, I must also be aware that there was a time and a place for it.
Me in 1999
I hit a kind of rock bottom and I actually became homeless. By which I mean, to be clear, that I was forced to live in somebody's guest bedroom for a pittance. Thankfully I never slept on the street. At that time, utterly broke, starving, without the cigarettes I was addicted to, I suffered from a panic attack. I was literally staring at the ceiling in my darkened room and hyperventilating. 
Suddenly the thought occurred to me: What is the worst thing that could happen? Well, the worst thing that could happen was that I could die, came the reply. And how likely is that at this point? said the voice inside my head. Well...pretty unlikely, actually.
A great calm flowed through me. I smiled. I even laughed a little. And It was all uphill from there.
My sex life picked up. Big time. Freed from the necessity to behave like a 'nice guy'(which was really all about manipulating people around me)  women suddenly became interested in me. I suddenly had several lovers to gratify my sexual needs.  I took charge of my life and started taking steps to better my situation and  do the things I had always dreamed of.
At 33 I stopped drinking (which I had been doing heavily since my 30th birthday), realizing that I was on a pathway to alcoholism and that whatever benefit I felt from alcohol was outweighed by drawbacks of feeling like shit and having a difficult time getting up.
At 34 I entered a loving relationship which I'm still in and at 37 I started my own business which has given me a strong sense of control over my own life and also has made me feel more financially secure that I ever felt before. (Which is not to say I'm rich. Just that I live a normal middle-class lifestyle, which, growing up poor in the cold lonely Midwest I never thought I would achieve.)
At 39 my son Lukas was born, a fact which brings me joy and a new kind of fear almost every day.
My girlfriend and son, 2010
My thirties were awesome.
You see. what I needed was a change of paradigm. I needed to look at the world with fresh eyes. I had to completely change my position, my geographical location, I had to get to the bottom of the bottom and realize that everything I knew about myself and the world was, well, basically wrong. And I needed to realize that the things that I was hung up on were complete and utter bullshit.
And I needed love, I guess --because I grew up in a home where love was, well, not non-existent but it was rather under-pressure and a little warped.
Is life perfect no? No. Life is actually kind of boring.
I like it that way.
Oddly, at 45 I often feel sadly nostalgic for my twenties. I want them back! To be young again! The possibilities I felt! 
  This is the weird truth about mid-life crises, I think.
It's amusing to me that I look back at a time in my life marked by starvation, poverty, loneliness, emotional pain and drug use and yearn to have it back. Nostalgia is a drug like any other. Illusion.

Should Britain care what Obama thinks vis-a-vis the referendum for withdrawal from the EU?

No more than Americans should care if Britons want Trump for president or not.
It's useful to know what other nationalities or foreign public figures think about the policies of a given country.
But ultimately it's the people of that country's decision and nobody else's.

ASOIAF: Do you think any groups in ASOIAF support or are secretly in league with the Others?

First of all, so little is known about the motivation and goals of so many groups and organizations including the Others. So anything anybody writes has to be taken with a grain of salt for now.
I don't think anybody explicitly supports them.
My feeling, which is virtually evidence-free--just warning you--is that their may be groups or individuals whose power or magic might be somehow harmonious with theirs. I don't think they are supporting them. Or even consciously in cahoots working towards some goal. Just that whatever powers the Others might power other groups.
1. The Warlocks of Qarth.
The two reasons I feel that their energy is similar to the other is the recurring theme of BLUE. AS we know the Other's (and their undead wight minions) are known to have bright shinging blue eyes.
The Undying Ones and the Warlocks--I think they are, if not exactly the same, different levels of the same thing--have purple blue lips from drinking the hallucinogenic Shade of the Evening. The Warlocks' skin is otherwise pale white but  in the case of the ancient Undying Ones, they have drunk so much Shade of the Evening that their very skin is bluish purple.
And this is, seriously one of the creepiest images for me in the whole book:
A long stone table filled this room. Above it floated a human heart, swollen and blue with corruption, yet still alive. It beat a deep ponderous throb of sound, and each pulse sent out a wash of indigo light. The figures around the table were no more than blue shadows.....
A Clash of Kings (italics mine)
Heart, huh? A blue heart. As opposed to the red fiery heart....of the Lord of Light. Just sayin'.
After this, Dany, who has partaken in some Shade of the Evening and is definitely tripping, seeing visions and so on, is attacked by them:
The Undying were all around her, blue and cold[italics mine] whispering as they reached for her, pulling, stroking, tugging at her clothes, touching her with tehir dry cold hands, twining their fingers through her hair....She felt a hand on her bare breast, twisting her nipple. Teeth found the soft skin of her throat. A mouth desended on one eye, licking sucking, biting...
A Clash of Kings
Mad creepy.
The other piece of evidence is the oft repeated  saw: Fire consumes but cold preserves. The relevance is preservation seem to be what the Undying Ones are after: they simply are trying to stay alive--forever.
So the Others, with their association with ice and magic sort of remind me of that.
They might not even be aware of each other, mind you. They just seem to be partaking from a similar or the same magic source.
It's tenuous. But so are a lot of connections in A Song of Ice and Fire.
2. Euron Greyjoy
Warlocks  make me think that Euron Greyjoy, who has captured the warlocks(and reportedly forced them to cannibalize one of their number while in his captivity), who also drinks the hallucinogenic Shade of the Evening, might have some similar connection as well. Some people think he's connected to Bloodraven somehow; or perhaps the 'anti-Bloodraven', as it were.
These are pretty 'out-there' theories. I just like the way they feel.
If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. But I think that there is some connection.
3. Faceless Men
I've read fairly plausible theories(well, plausible as far as these things go) that the FAceless Men are working to support the Others(although not necessarily with the Others' knowledge) because their goal is to give the 'Gift of Death' to all mankind. This one has quite a lot of solid thinking behind it. And yet....I don't like it. I don't think that the Faceless Men are out for mass extinction of the Human Race. But again, who knows.

Anyway, they  certainly deliver both the heebs and the jeebs. Just not necessarily the same kind, for me.