No Bran.
I love the guy, but we all know he's gonna survive the events of the second Long Night, and look back with either pity or optimism.
So, do you think Jon will survive? Will he sacrifice himself? Is Dany done for?
Will Hodor accept the Iron Throne?
If the original treatment is anything to go by the survivors could be the 'five key players'(GRRM's words): Daenerys Targaryen, Tyrion Lannister, Bran Stark, Arya Stark and Jon Snow.
First of all, though I'm not sure that it's going to come to a second long night. Maybe a really short long night, but I guess that the whole goal is to prevent the long night or to nip it in the bud.
As to who will survive the series, that's a hard one for me. It's like a great big season of Survivor, isn't it? Who will last? Who will survive?
Here's something in GRRM's original treatment(back when it was a planned trilogy--here: George R.R. Martin's original plan for Game of Thrones -- he said this:
Five central characters will make it through all three volumes....The five key players are Tyrion Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen, and three of the children of Winterfell, Arya, Bran and the bastard Jon Snow.
But how much can we read into this?
Does it mean that they will survive the entire series? Maybe. But maybe it just means they make it to the endgame.
And at any rate, the story he initially envisioned is a much smaller and less ambitious one than the one he's been working on for the last 20 years. He also had this to say in hat initial treatment:
Tyrion [falls] helplessly in love with Arya Stark. His passion is, alas, unreciprocated...and it will lead to a deadly rivalry between him and Jon Snow.
I mean. Ell. Oh. Ell. I don't think that's going to happen.
Still, it does point to a deadly confrontation between two of the 'five key players', doesn't it?
The story has changed so much from the original vision, I would take even GRRM's initial assertion that the five key players will survive with a grain of salt.
Written April 9th, 2016
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