I'm getting excited. I've come to terms that the show has passed the books and if the novelizations ever arrive, that'll be great too.
Otherwise, some quick, appropriately catty thoughts.
- Oh my God. Tormund Red Herring Sayer just doesn't have the ring of Tormund Thunderthighs.Nice try.
- Religion bad. Gods evil. Lannisters cool. Got it. Yep. It's Game of Thrones.
- Tyrion King. My eyes have rolled into my head, down my spine and are currently residing packed together in my big toe.
- Big Dragon Star Destroyer.
- Bran having his first orgasm. They grow up so fast.
- Arya getting slapped. She still looks like she's counting. Maisie, you're not doing ballet.
- Are Dany's breasts back on the menu?
- There will not be a third time Arya. I suppose Arya is going to bite it--NOT. Nice try.
- Sansa is smokin' in wolf skin-- but wait, would a Stark wear a wolf skin? I'm thinking they'd be all like no way to animal skins. Like, wolves have feelings too. They of all people should know that.
Maybe it's faux fur. - Ramsay, good looking too. Meh.
- Walder Frey. Holy cow. This really is uncharted territory.
- Littlefinger just standing there.
- Greyscale Jorah, being really obvious about his greyscale that he's trying to hide.
- Theon and some woman? Or who is that?
- Davos is starting to annoy me, Tyrion-style.
- Burning X's, it's all so impractical.
- Varys talking to some green eyed chick. Who the heck is she? Seriously? Who is she? Is that the Green Grace? Probably is. Laughing my literal A off!
The old lady from the books is gonna show some skin in the show. Will Tyrion have sex with her? What do YOU think?--Edit: found out she's actually just a random Red Priestess. - Jaime riding a horse through a Lannister camp .
- Tower of Joy fight. Yawn.
- Some dumb stock Cersei lines: Show them what Lannisters ARE. What we do to our enemies.Ah, yes, the nice ring coupled with the utter meaninglessness: style over substance. This is Game of Thrones, all right.
- Some quick shots of various characters with percussive echoey music that goes ka-kuh! ka-kuh! kuh! Then KUH! as the spears aim for the High Sept.
- Davos, just shut up, seriously.
- White Sprinters. Just doesn't have the same ring. Anyway, some of them ride dead horses so it really should just be like, White Movers. Think I'll shoot an email to Gurm.
- Fast shots. Yara's a lesbian, pity: that Asha/Qarl the Maid scene in ADWD was pretty sexy.
- Max Von Sydow apparently suffering from constipation.
- Tormund Red Herring Sayer slashing valiantly at the air.
- Horses.
- Sansa is concerned.
- the Nutcracker, featuring MAISIE WILLIAMS. And jumping up, like breakdance style.
- Quick shots of things, including some guy I don't recognize in chains.
- Ah, an actually clever line by the show writers from Tyrion. That's what I do. I drink and I know things.
Yep, that's what Tyrion has been reduced to.
Peter Dinklage still totally walking through his part, I see--let's give him another Emmy!
He was brilliant on Saturday Night live the other week! Anybody see that stuff? He really is a great actor, too bad he's wasted on this show. - Battles, Pod choked, bloody hand.
- Oh, I guess Tyrion is going to play the part of Quentyn Martell and get burned. A MAN CAN DREAM. Nice try, trailer. I see through your little schemes.
I reallz wish I could watch this series with you all, we would have such a blast.
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