Not really.
Don’t get me wrong. Many men talk about women when they are together.Some more than others. Some more graphically than others. Some more crudely than others.
Donald Trump is not unique. And it is not just men who talk crudely about sex. I used to be a waiter and I’ve overheard a LOT of conversations between women that were easily just as crude as what men said: including the objectifying of men.
But believe me when I say this, most men are NOT as crude and graphic as Donald Trump.
I’m not just saying this because I am trying to keep some male fraternal secret going. I’m not lying or trying to bullshit anyone. I freely admit that I have heard that kind of talk before.
I am just saying it is not that common and nearly always the men who use it strike me as insecure and pathetic. I mean, maybe it is just me. I have my own code. I decided long ago, and I think most men make the same decision, that what goes on between my sheets stays in there. Personally, I NEVER talk about my sex life in real life. I think about it; I might replay the events of the night before in my mind ALL DAY LONG but I don’t talk about it. I just don’t think it is…manly.
Any man who I have been around who speaks like that strikes me as someone who never grew up; like a teenager; or someone desperately trying to impress me with his sexual exploits and conquests. I find it pathetic. I lose tons of respect for men who talk like that to me.
I might cut a man some slack if he is under 25 and sex is still a learning experience for them.
Donald Trump was sixty when he said that. I don’t begrudge him lots of sex. It is his life. If he gets laid a lot, more power to him. But the fact that he felt the need to boast of this kind of thing reveals him to be…well, what I already knew him to be: A big insecure blowhard with self-esteem issues; a big fat orange adolescent with a combover.
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