Original question was: Did Tywin sleep with Shae out of pure spite?
Spite, yes, it it’s purest, vilest essense. That, and the natural desire to get your rocks off with a fine-looking woman.
Of course, it is popularly believed by pretty much everyone that Tywin was a hypocrite of the first order, basically banning his son from having sex while he himself rolls around in whores, albeit in a more clandestine manner.
But, imagine having a son.
Having his first girlfriend brutally gang-raped. Forcing him to join in.
Giving him the worst, (literally) shittiest jobs you can find for him.
Seeing him succeed at all of them. See him distinguish himself in not only one but two battles. See him broker two great deals with two rival houses turning enemies into allies while a fifteen year old boy kicks your bald ass all over the Riverlands.
So what do you do?
You give all the credit to Littlefinger, his brainless sister Cersei and your son’s hired thug; give him a further shitty job trying to unravel Littlefinger’s finances; you preside over two of his murder trials; you condemn him to death; and on the eve of his execution you fuck the living shit out of his girlfriend.
Your son’s girlfriend. The night before he’s sentenced to die.
I don’t care how horny you are; I don’t care if you have some suspicion about his paternity; I don’t care if your son is physically disabled and you think that makes it look like the gods have cursed you. I don’t care.
You just don’t do that.
Unless you fucking HATE your son.
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