Saturday, June 10, 2017

Controversial and unpopular opinions

  • Elon Musk is lame.
  • Political correctness is both under-emphasized (or wrongly denied) by the left and over-stated by the right. I wish we could just ban the word or at least the debate.
  • Nothing in America is ever going to change. Not gun laws. Not the medical system. Not anything. Abandon hope. Seriously.
  • American infrastructure is not the best in the world, but for god’s sakes, it is not that bad.
  • The 19th Century novel totally blows.
  • Social mobility in the US is a myth.
  • English speaking cultures are by far the most violent.
  • Eastern Europe is more peaceful, happy and open-minded than Western Europe.
  • Wood paneling. It was awesome. And some day it will come back. I don’t care what you think about that.
  • Communist kitsch art is cooler than American kitsch art.
  • Burgers made from ground turkey taste way better than burgers made from ground beef.
    • But burgers are totally overrated, no matter what.
  • Parties usually suck.
  • The EU is largely good, but its also a de facto racket in which the rich get richer.
  • Wham! was better than George Michael solo.
  • The Euro (or rather the expansion of it beyond a few core countries) is the European version of the Iraq War: a horrible, stupid mistake that will haunt us for decades
  • The absolute pinnacle of mankind’s accomplishments and storied achievements is the microwave burrito.
  • I don’t think it matters who has the biggest economy on Earth. I think that is a question for fools and pathetic nationalists.
  • People who don’t know how to straddle a fence on political issues are just idiots.
  • Most businessmen care for their employees.
  • God may or may not exist. Who cares?
  • American millennials are whiney. God are they whiney.
    • Yes, I am a grumpy old man.
  • Mixed economies,i.e., capitalism with welfare safety nets, are the conservative choice.
  • Republicans are generally the real “special snowflakes”, always whining about how they can’t insult anybody.
  • Democrats are only too happy to utilize the brutal arm of authority to get their way. Liberals my ass.
  • All drugs should be legal. A heroin addict should be able to go to a store and get a littlee drop of heroin. If my son was a heroin addict I’d rather he did it safely and got on with his life than jonesing for it all the time and ruining his life. But I hope he doesn’t become a drug addict, that would break my heart.
  • Kenneth Patchen was America’s greatest poet.
    • The Journal of Albion Moonlight is the greatest surreal novel of all time.
  • Anti-smoking laws are stupid.
  • Steve Jobs was even lamer than Elon Musk.
  • Socialists bother me because they boil all of life down to the economic.
    • Plus they have no damn sense of humor.
  • Capitalists, ditto.
    • Except for the humor part.
  • If we are not going to be hindered by religion or united by religion we might as well go full bonobo.
Written May 30

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