He is, but it’s not like he’s some evil monster. But yeah, his actions had consequences. I mean, Arya freed Rorge(in the books) who committed massive atrocities in Saltpans; and…well, this cause andaffect thing is big in Song of Ice and Fire. (Though it definitely has become a lot more complicated!)
- It brought the White Walkers down on the cave.(worst fear, check)
- It gave them the ability to come in.
- It got the Three Eyed Raven killed(mentor dead, check)
- It got Summer killed.
- It ruined Hodor’s mind.
- Hodor died.
So yeah, he’s responsible. GRRM puts characters in situations where there are NO easy answers and no ‘right’ decision and he put Bran in that position. I’m sure Bran knows it too. And I’m sure he feels the pain of it. And I’m not sure that Bran wanted it to happen the way it did: but let’s be clear: THERE WAS NO OTHER POSSIBLE OUTCOME. It had all happened before he was born. He was bound to do it.
(I imagine there will be some slight differences: Bran’s vision automatically enabling the White Walkers access to the cave doesn’t seem very sophisticated to me; it has Benioff and Weiss’s fingerprints all over it.)
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