Tomio Okamura.
This politician made his fortune running a company that he built from scratch catering to Japanese tourists. (He himself is half-Japanese and spent some of his childhood in Japan, where apparently he was badly treated by locals for his 'half-breed status.')
Later he became a celebrity by appearing as a regular on a reality TV show in which he and other rich businessmen heard requests from budding entrepeneurs to grant the loans for their various projects.
Afterwards he ran for Senate(won a seat, which he currently holds) and later ran for president, which, thankfully, he did not gain.
(I should mention that neither the Senate nor the Presidency hold a whole lot of power in this country: both are largely ceremonial positions.)
Despite his own family history, his political rhetoric is viciously anti-immigrant. His proposed policies would literally deport every non-citizen who made below a certain amount of money from the country, regardless of family ties they might have in the country. In the past two years, he's made some inflammatory anti-Muslim statements that eerily echo Trump's.
He is wildly popular among Czechs due his image as a strong businessman who 'pulled himself up by his bootstraps' and his anti-immigrant message, sadly, finds a lot of admirers as well.
Runner up would be the President, Zeman, himself, a social democrat/alcholic buffoon/ladies man and the celebrated winner of the coveted 'Czechia's Ugliest Man' honor:
Zeman is a blatant Putin lover and Muslim hater. But he's even more buffoonish than Trump, if possible. When he visited my town, the Town Hall was firmly instructed NOT to serve alcohol to him. I'm told they were tempted...
Anti-Muslim immigrant stance also has regained him some popularity recently.
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