Friday, January 22, 2016

How can we deal with ESL leaners at low levels?

Here are my Top Ten Tips:
  1.          First try to show beginners any connections their language has to English. Most languages have borrowed words from English. And most students, even complete beginners will have picked up a few words from previous learning experiences or m Show the students that they actually know many words in English even if they don't speak English. DVD, CD, email....etc.
  2. Speak slooooowly but in a natural rhthym. And write everything you say on the board!!! Many students can puzzle out the meaning of a sentence in written English more easily than they can hear and separate the sounds for spoken language.
  3. It helps to think about what you're going to say before the class. You want to avoid talking like a caveman; at the same time, speaking above a student's head can discourage them from learning English. When I first started teaching lower levels, I literally usd to script my instructions onto my lesson plans ahead of time. After a while it became second nature.
  4. Instill a sense of fun into the lessons. Having beginners think of their lessons as fun is one of the keys to gaining a long-time learner. Which is essential if they want to learn English. And essential for your career!
  5. Get them talking as much as you can. I don't care how simple these conversations are. I don't care if they are simply reading a script. I don't care if they are doing something silly. They need to be talking. You don't learn a language by reading a book or memorizing grammar rules. You learn a language by speaking the language.
  6. Repetition, repetition repetition. Along those lines:Revise, revise, revise.
  7. Respect your students. Many of them are cleverer than you are.
  8. Never. Never ever. Never ever ever ever ever NEVER make students feel stupid about mistakes they make. Even if it is really funny. Save the laughter for the teacher's lounge.
  9. Short activities. Variety. Change things up. Get them moving. Learning is tactile. Learning is visual. Learning is intellectual. Learning is silly.
  10. People learn by playing. Use games as a prime tool to get student's producing English.

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