Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Why did Sir Davos say "Apologies for what you are about to see in the trailer?" Is that a hint that Jon Snow will not come back?

I  would like to think that he was apologizing for the half-arsed characterization, dropped plot-lines, dialogue that sounds heavy and profound but falls apart under scrutiny like overcooked roast beef that's sat in a crock pot all Sunday long,  gratuitous sex, shocking violence for no purpose other than to keep the body count high and chintzy costumes--you know, all the things that we have come to love about this Show.
But I think he was actually apologizing for his swordsmanship as he was about to do something with Longclaw. Theories I have is:
  1. He is going to fight against the Night's Watch to defend Jon Snow's body, living or dead.
  2. He is going to behead the Undead Monster Formerly Known as Jon Snow.(not likely.)
  3. He is going to plunge Longclaw through Melisandre's heart.

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