Sunday, June 5, 2016

ASOIAF: Is it possible that Tyrion is both Aerys and Tywin's son?

I strongly believe that Tyrion is a genetic chimera and is the son of both Tywin and Aerys. It is probably the tin-foiliest thing I believe.
Yes, it is theoretically possible in the real world apparently, though obviously it would be a very, very, very rare thing.
This is a story, though. It can be as rare or as common as GRRM wants. And, in fact, chimeras with two fathers are not that uncommon in works of fiction.
Anyway, this is what I believe. I know this is not a popular opinion.
Personally though I hope that GRRM never lays down any evidence that concludes the question of Tyrion’s parentage definitively.
I prefer the debate. And the freedom to choose.

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