Friday, June 3, 2016

ASOIAF: What useful powers has Arya received from the FAceless Men

(Just a list: for those who don't like lists, I apologize.)
  1. She has vast knowledge of powders and poisons: she can tell which poison is which from smell.
  2. She can fight like a badass blind, enabling her to defend herself even in the dark. (though in the books she cheated by warging.)
  3. She can dissemble and lie like a pro, fooling all but another Faceless Man, perhaps.
  4. She has become a master of disguise and make-up.
  5. Faceless Men also have a bit of glamor magic that enhances their appearance, though Arya hasn’t seemed to learn that yet, at least in the book.
  6. She has strengthened and hardened her will and her endurance.
  7. She has recalled her true self, by seeing theirs.

Written May 31st

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