Friday, April 29, 2016

ASOIAF: Does Sansa Stark have any feelings for Petyr Belish?

Sansa likes Petyr Baelish.
  • He protects her.
  • He is kind and gentle to her.
  • He teaches her.
  • He is a romantic who almost died for love of her lost mother.
  • A man who came from a dreary land full of sheep shit and rocks, yet rose using his wits to become the most powerful lord in the Seven Kingdoms, (on paper, at least).
  • He holds her secret safely.
  • He killed the horrid Joffrey.
  • He's clever.
She's scared shitless of Littlefinger.
  • He killed her aunt right in front of eyes.
  • He fucked her mother(he claims). That's too weird to contemplate.
  • He kisses her, which is weird. It's almost as if he wants to, no. She wont think about that.
  • He's abusing and slowly poisoning her cousin to death. Best not to think about that, either!
  • He framed Tyrion who was always kind to her.
  • He makes deals with murderous pedophiles to get his way. Let's not go there.
  • He got her into a situation where she has to totally rely on him.
  • He's kind of...evil. 

Show Sansa:
He's a creepy old guy. Then he is her protector. Then he saves her.
 She decides to use her budding sexuality to manipulate him. 
No, no, scratch that. That seemed like a good idea, but let's make it so he manipulates her some more--girl power is so BORING. 
She naively gives up her budding manipulative ways and goes back to the life of a stupid simp.
He fucks her over. 
Poor Sansa. Everybody fucks her over. When will she ever learn?

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