Thursday, April 7, 2016

ASOIAF: If Rickon becomes King in the North(or Lord of the North) will he be a savage tyrant?

The little guy does seem to have an ungovernable, dangerous edge, doesn't he? With his untrained, savage direwolf biting everyone about him and his obvious feelings of abandonment.

At this point, I think he would be little more than a figurehead with someone standing behind him. Seeing as he won't reach the age of his majority for another ten years or so, it will entirely depend on how the powers and figures behind his throne have him raised and what experiences he has as the titular King in the North.
I will make a prediction that at the very least he will be a ferocious and savage force to be reckoned with, but not necessarily a tyrant, in the sense of being unnecessarily cruel or mad or anything.
Anyway, it may be that a certain ferocious savagery will be what is called for in the times ahead.
Generally, no matter how hard or easy the times are, I think the Starks generally rise to the occasions and do their job as Lords and protectors of the North.

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