Friday, April 29, 2016

What can I do to enhance as a candidate for a en EFL position abroad?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for hiring me with no degree ;) I got a bit tired of seeing jobs advertised which said 'must have a degree, no experience required'. How was I, a teacher with a few years experience, less able to do the job than someone with a degree in nuclear physics who had never set foot in an EFL classroom?
    I totally agree with requiring an initial teaching certificate; you wouldn't ask a builder who'd always worked as a mechanic to build your house.
    I would also advise taking on a summer teaching position at one of the hundreds of EFL summer camps to see whether you're really cut out for it (and it looks good on the CV).
    I guess it's that time of year for you to sift through a pile of applications from the delusional and the inept!
