Friday, May 20, 2016

ASOIAF: Who was the greater fighter: Eddard Stark or Robert Baratheon?

No contest here. Robert Baratheon.
In his prime he was not only an adept fighter, a winner of melees and one of the strongest men in Westeros, a brutal 6′6′’ crusher, in heavy armor with antlers making him even taller, “muscled like a maiden’s dream’’, the envy of all in the martial culture of Westeros.
He was also a great general, able to inspire men with his leadership and incredible charisma—moving his armies with incredible swiftness mainly due the mighty force of his personality.
Ned by contrast was, in GRRM’s words, an ‘average fighter.’ Though his own resume as a leader is formidable(winning the Battle of the Bells, breaking the Siege of Storm’s End), and his careful quiet competence were no doubt a boon to the more impulsive Robert, Robert was a warrior’s warrior whose skill with his war-hammer inspired half the realm to fight on his side.
Just imagine this guy coming at you in a fight…
art by Michael Komarck

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