Thursday, May 26, 2016

ASOIAF/GAME of Thrones: is Bran's actions logically possible?

Caveat: I recently got some criticism for this blog: I realize it is geekery of the highest level; which is why I share it with a limited amount of people, though it is open to the public.

 if you don't like it, please don't read it.
Time: Past, future, present. These are what we call them.
They are illusive abstractions on which we build our reality. Like logic itself. Time is timeless. It is…whatever it is. Our human minds make up this construct for reality in which time marches unchangeably behind us, changeably in front of us and yet we always occupy only the Now.
But time is a monolithic unchanging thing. Past-present-future are human illusions our consciousness has created to deal with reality; but in fact, all that has happened or will happen or is happening simply IS…
(sits back, takes a hit, nods sagely, exhales)

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