Sunday, February 28, 2016

ASOIAF short :Is Podrick Payne dead?

In the show, certainly not.

It's less certain in the books. But I'm inclined to say no.
SPOILERS from A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons

IN the books, when last we see Pod he's being hanged by Lady Stoneheart's gang.
When Brienne chooses 'sword' she does it to save Pod from the Brothers Without Banners not to save herself. And I like to believe she succeeded.
So, when Brienne comes to fetch Jaime at Pennytree,.I reckon Pod is being held captive by Lady Stoneheart as insurance that Brienne'll come back with Jaime.
Next I think that she's going to have the choice of seeing Pod hanged again or fighting Jaime to the death.
Because that's just the kind of moral conundrum GRRM likes to give to his characters.

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