Sunday, February 21, 2016

Would Vladimir Putin be considered a liberal or a conservative on the American political spectrum?

Putin is just like  Trump.
  • Putin originally came to power promising to restore Russia to greatness after many years of the drunk and incompetent Yeltzin and some horrific economic crises.
  • Trump is running for power on a "Make America Great Again" policies.
  • Putin utilizes nationalism and fear or hatred of minorities to energize his base of neo-fascist thugs.
  • Trump boldly utilizes  anti-immigrant fears to energize  his rabid base of redneck racists.
  • Putin sells a romantic vision of the past which borders on the kitsch, which Russians love.
  • Trump sells a romantic vision of the past which borders on the kitsch, which Americans love.
  • Putin is an alpha male who pours derision on his opponents, including President Obama.
  • Trump is an alpha male who pours derision on his opponents.
  • Putin is a conspiracy theorist(or pretends to be for propagandic purposes.)
  • Trump is a conspiracy theoriest about Obama.
  • Putin's pathetic masculine ego results in embarassing pictures of himself barechested.
  • Trump's pathetic masculine ego results in sexist comments and trophy wives.
  • Putin is strongly anti-gay marriage.
  • Trump is strongly anti-gay marriage.
  • Putin does evil sorcery.
  • Trump does evil sorcery.
And both of them are filthy frickin' rich oligarchs in their respective countries. Though Putin is richer.
OK, OK, Putin has a certain Russian iciness to his persona that seems more frightening than Trump's New Yawk bluster.
There's a bit of the clown Berlusconi thrown in to Trump's persona.

And as far as I know, Trump hasn't poisoned anybody and so far none of the press he rails against has ended up shot yet.
Are you kiddin' me?
Putin is a Republican's wet dream.

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