Wednesday, February 10, 2016

What do teachers think of teaching a beautiful female teen?

I mainly teach adults, but I teach a handful of  beautiful teens nearly every day.
Some of them are beautiful enough to grace the covers of a magazine--some of them have modeled, in fact.
People don't realize how many of these models are actually kids!!
I'm forty five.  I see this:
And I think 'pretty--little girl.'

  • They really all look like kids' to me. And I'm not attracted to kids. In fact, it's gotten to the point when I see Cosmopolitan or similar fashion magazine, I usually always see 'teenagers or kids' rather than 'beautiful women.
  • Most of them tend to have a sort of...typically laconic teenage disinterest in a lot of topics. Makes them seem even more child-like. Forget it!
  • Student-teacher relationships are frowned upon. Even though the country I live in(The Czech Republic) is very liberal when it comes to this kind of thing compared to the USA. The age of consent is 15 here, so I don't think anybody is going to jail. But hardly anybody thinks that kind of thing is cool.
If a student is bright and has a personality that stands out I can develop a fondness for them, but it really doesn't depend on their looks and it's not sexual. More of a 'soft spot.' And it goes for boys as well as girls.

Even with my adult students, who are far more attractive to me, because of their life experience and, you know, more things in common, something to talk about, all that... it's like the sexual part of me 'turns off.'
Just. No.
On some level I notice their attractiveness, but don't even consider it.
Maybe after the course  finished, if I was single, I might act on it. (With the adults.)
I live in a smallish town and I feel like my professional reputation is important for me. It would be simply impossible for me to teach a student effectively if I were carrying on with a student.
I'm not so worried about any 'scandal' so much as doing a poor job, which would negatively impact my career.
Which pays my bills and keeps my own kid fed.

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