Thursday, February 4, 2016

Ten faux pas foreigners make in the Czech Republic

  1. Nottaking your shoes off when entering someone's home.
  2. . not visiting someone without a small gift(for example, a bottle of wine.)
  3. . Being greedy with a portion meant for everyone.
  4. Not politely declining the first time an offer is made.
  5. Not offering something a second (and a third) time after someone declines your offer.
  6. . Not serving your houseguests yourself: letting a guest 'help themself' is considered rude.
  7. Not staring intently into the other's eyes when toasting.
  8. Not saying 'dobry den' and 'na shledanou' to complete strangers in the elevator.
  9. Saying anything But dobry den and na shledanou to complete strangers in the elevator.
  10. Women always go first unless you are walking into a pub. Then it's good manners for th man to go first. 
  11. Not giving a small reward to someone who has found something of yours, for example, your wallet.

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