Thursday, February 4, 2016

Review: Mile 81, Stephen King

This novella was the first in a book of short fiction Stephen King's recently published, the Bizarre of Broken Dreams.

AS usual in a King book, the characters are well-sketched and have a familiar, homey feel to them; there's a touch of Americana to King's stuff that I always enjoy.

Having said that....

This story is plain ridiculous. Like laugh-out loud silly. Yes, it's a horror novel and horror is often silly; but this one...I give him kudos for giving this idea a go, mind you. He does as good a job as one can do with this, I suppose.

And the ending, never a King's forte....well. That's ridiculous too.

Still, it's got the easy prose and page-turning quality that all King's work has and it's a short read with, as mentioned some good characters and strong imagery.

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